Partners and Collaborators


While the PIT Lab is student-run, we receive crucial operational and strategic support from Margaret Hagan (Director of the Legal Design Lab) and the Legal Design Lab team. We received guidance from Margaret Hagan and David Grusky (Director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality) for “SOC 141P: Public Interest Tech: Case Studies.”



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The Haas Center’s Cardinal Careers Team puts together a comprehensive weekly newsletter with PIT jobs, internships, and volunteering opportunities, which you can view and sign up for here.

Non-Stanford collaborators include the partner organizations of CS 184, speakers in SOC 141P, and any guests we bring — all of which provide opportunities to connect with real-world public interest technology work.

Collectively, the students on the Executive Board have experience with over 20 student organizations, come from at least 8 different academic departments, and have extensive networks of peers and mentors.